The civil society sector of Seychelles has been selected to access funds from the Japanese Embassy’s Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP) programme of up to Rs1,100,000 Seychelles Rupee (80,000 $US). The programme was introduced in 1989, and is designed to meet the diverse needs of developing countries through supporting small scale developmental projects proposed by NON-Profit organizations.

A meeting was held with representatives of civil society on Tuesday 05th of May at the CEPS conference room where Japanese embassy representatives Mr Mikio Mor and Mr Satoshi Endo met with representatives from various Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s).
Various groups within the sector can apply for the grant, and they include local / international ngos, community based organizations (cbos) , self-help groups, medical institutions, educational institutions,(ex. primary / vocational / specialized schools, research institutions and local governmental authorities. The project cycle goes up to 5 years, from the application stage to post project monitoring stage.
In his opening remarks Japan’s Deputy Chief of Mission in Nairobi, Mikio Mori stated that the Japanese Government’s approach towards assistance to Seychelles must come from both the governmental and community level.
The Japanese representatives put emphasis on the fact that, as long as a development project is geared towards grassroots assistance, it can be eligible for financing under the GGP scheme. Civil society organizations have been informed that particular attention is given to projects in the following areas which include: primary education, health care, water and sanitation, environmental protection, agriculture / forestry / fishery, poverty reduction.
When applying for GGP funding, applicants should ensure that community members are the ones benefiting directly from the project and that there is involvement of the recipient community towards the project.
Members present at the meeting were informed that use of the grant funds can be used for example for building/expansion/renovation of facilities eg. Primary school, health center/dispensary, dam and water preserver, renewable energy. The funds can also be used to purchase equipments such as medical equipment, school furniture, water pumps, turbines and solar panel as those benefit members of the community directly.
Unlike other project funds made available to the Seychelles, the GGP funds cannot be used for training/Capacity Building management, operational costs of the project / organization for example salary, purchase of computers or travel. The funds cannot be used for the purchase of food, medicine, stationary, seeds, purchase of Land, Rent, Travel, or fees for preparation of reports.
The Chairperson of CEPS Mr. Jules Hoareau has thanked the Japanese embassy for recognising the needs of the Seychelles civil society sector through meetings held earlier in March of 2015 with Mr. Sakai of the Japanese Embassy, who met with various civil society organizations to identify whether the grant would meet our needs.
Applicants can apply for the grant throughout the year. The application process involves downloading the GGP Application form on the website of the Embassy of Japan in Kenya on the link:
The GGP application form and relevant attachements can be sent to the GGP Section
→ By email :[email protected]
→ By Post : Embassy of Japan (Attn: GGP Section)
P.O. Box 60202-00200 Nairobi, Kenya
For any other question please contact us at [email protected] or by telephone: 020-289 8000