Citizen Engagement Platform Seychelles


Citizen Engagement Platform Seychelles

What are your visions for Baie Ternay??

Wednesday 18th March 2015

What are your visions for Baie Ternay?? Have your say.

Concerned members of the Citizens Engagement Platform, Seychelles (CEPS) envision an alternate future for Cap Ternay which enhances rather than degrade
s and endangers its values. The site should not only remain protected, but also benefit from active and strategic terrestrial restoration in order that its value as a series of fully functional ecosystems, and an inspiring educational and recreational reserve may be fully realized, and preserved.

We want YOU to contribute towards the alternative vision for Cap Ternay.
Send us an email through this page or a letter on:


Alternative Vision for Cap Ternay
Citizens Engagement Platform Seychelles
P.O Box 885


Draw up your plans and get your children to be part of this process too.


The deadline for submission is 31st of July 2015


Our Vision

What are your visions for Baie Ternay??
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