Citizen Engagement Platform Seychelles


Citizen Engagement Platform Seychelles

Mr. Alvin Laurence

Entrusted wgith the challenge of revitalising citizen’s engagement through civil society, Alvin Laurence is, as of May 2021, the new Chief Executive Officer for the Citizens Engagement Platform, Seychelles (CEPS). His Philosophical, Theological, Social and Political Science background brought him to work as the Director of Policy and Public Affairs in the Vice President’s Office in 2010. After completing his first professional service contract, Alvin undertook post graduate studies in Governance and Public Policy – MA (Hons) in Political Science at the University of Manchester. In February 2014 he was appointed as the Deputy Chief Executive Officer and in 2015 the Chief Executive Officer of the Seychelles National Youth Council until his appointment as the Principal Secretary of the Poverty Alleviation Department in February 2019 to April 2021.

Finance & Administration Department

The CEPS Finance & Administration provides a variety of services for the platform, and is responsible for human, physical, financial, and informational resources.

Communication & Membership Department

Responsible of managing and implementing a communications and networking strategic plan for CEPS. The department also oversee the identification, consolidation, development and operationalization of the membership plans, and the engagement of civil society in the work of CEPS.

Programs & Events Department

Manages and coordinate all CEPS programs, projects & activities of CEPS related. The office is managed by the Programmes & Events Manager, assisted by the Programme & Events assistant.


Article 23 (1) of the Seychelles Constitution, gives every Seychelles citizen the right of assembly and association. “Every person has a right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association and for the purpose of this article this right includes the right to assemble freely and associate with other persons and in particular to form or to belong to political parties, trade unions or other associations for the protection of the interests of that person and not to be compelled to belong to any association.”

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