Citizen Engagement Platform Seychelles


Citizen Engagement Platform Seychelles


What is a charity?

A charity is an entity registered with the Ministry of Finance as a charity and issued with a certificate confirming its status as a charity.  

What are the benefits of the charity status?

The benefits are fiscal. Charitable organizations benefit from tax exemptions which include Trades Tax and Value Added Tax (VAT).

Who can apply for the charity status?

All non-governmental bodies registered and who is in good standing under the Seychelles Associations Act can apply for Charity status.

What is the procedure?

The applicant is required to submit a completed application form to the Communication & Membership Department of CEPS along with the following documents:

1.            Formal written application

2.            A copy of Certificate of Registration

3.            A copy of Governing Documents, including all amendments.

4.            A letter of good standing from the registrar of Association.

5.            Proof of banking details (bank passbook/bank statement)

6.            Certified Financial Statements (for previous year / preferably audited)

7.            Minutes of last AGM

8.            Non refundable fee of Rs100

•             Once the documents are handed over to Membership officer the document is scrutinized. If all is in order we accept the payment of Rs 100 and a receipt is issued to the entity.

•             The document is then presented to the CEPS CEO, who signs the document along with the MO.

•             The document is sent to the Ministry of Finance who issues the Charity certificate

•             If accepted the newly accredited Charity documents are handed back to CEPS MO Department for filing.

Who gives funds to the Charitable Organisations?

Registered businesses, local & international organisations can donate to charitable organisations in the form of funding for projects/programmes, materials, equipments. The business can donate as part of its expenditure.      

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