16th March 2015
In January this year, the Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression and Access to Information for Africa met with civil society in Seychelles and discussed the need to have an Access to Information Law in Seychelles, our involvement and contributions on an Access to Information draft Bill.
The Right of Access to Information (ATI) is guaranteed under Article 28 of the Constitution of Seychelles.
In May of this year, the Seychelles Media Commission (SMC) will be organising a symposium, as part of consultation on the proposed Bill. Prior to the symposium, the SMC will compile a document which can be the basis for discussions at the Symposium.
CEPS wishes to contribute to the document, therefore the platform is organising a meeting for all organisation, to discuss the model law (document attached).
The meeting will be held on Wednesday 25th March 2015, 3.30 – 5pm, CEPS conference room, Second floor Orion Mall.
Kindly confirm your participation by calling us on 4325552.