12th December 2014
CEPS Commissioners met this morning as part of a series of induction sessions being undertaken by the CEPS Secretariat. This morning’s session gave CEPS Board Members the opportunity to understand the roles of a commission within a civil society platform. The session was fascilitated by Projects and events manager, Mr Michel Pierre.
The Members also got the opportunity to understand how CEPS Commissions are constituted and how members are categorized into thematic areas & communication strategy. This session was conducted by CEPS Communication & membership manager, Ms Tessa Henderson.
Members also familiarized themselves with the Commission Term Of Reference document, which includes:
• Objective of the Commission
• Structure of the Commission
• Representation
• Key Office Bearer Roles and Functions
• Election
• Frequency of meeting
• Strategic Plan
The Secretariat has also worked on a COMMISSION-SECRETARIAT SERVICES INTERFACE, a document that explains the ways that the Secretariat works with Commissioners and their commissions.
All these sessions will enable the 7 Commissioners to lead their members, using the various tools and programmes in place.