02 July 2014

Consultants for the “Seychelles Strategic Plan 2040” today met with civil society. This was done at a workshop which aimed at introducing the Plan and build a clear understanding of expectations of the Plan across a number of themes.
It was also an opportunity for those present to identify key issues the Plan could address for different community groups, explore the potential for different areas and communities. Members also had the chance to discuss opportunities for community engagement via the NGO sectors’ existing networks and forums.
Four of the project consultants were present namely Jurgen Happ whose area is Urban Design Lead, Kate Walters who is the Stakeholder & Community Engagement Lead, Andrew Charles who is the Project Manager and Austin Brown who is the Environment expert.
The first session was aimed at drawing up an aspirations for the Plan. Three focus groups were formed to discuss civil society’s vision for the future of Seychelles and the challenges and opportunities facing the Seychelles. Ideas shared was then discussed at a plenary session.

The second session had the groups once again separated, to discuss three areas namely: Community, Housing and Public Realm, Environment, Sustainability and Resilience and Community & Social Inclusion.
The project is being undertaken by the Seychelles Planning Authority, in collaboration with the Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council (UPC). Arup are the Consultant on this project.

Members of Civil society took the opportunity to ask how does this plan relate to other strategic plans that currently exist such as the Sustainability Development Plan, and the national Development Plan, and whether there are areas that overlaps.
Members were informed that non of the current strategic plans go up to 2040, and the difference with this strategic plan is that the fact that the ideas are idealistic and able to be implemented over time.
The Strategic Plan aim is to build on existing aspirations and set a vision for the future of the Seychelles to 2040. The Strategy will deliver sustainable and integrated solutions for the economy; the community; and the environment and address a number of critical issues such as establishing opportunities for growth and sustainable locations where development will occur across Seychelles. The document will also include a framework for Mahé and a Master plan for Victoria.
Civil Society is not represented on the Seychelles Strategic Plan 2040. LUNGOS believes that there should be a representative from civil society, hence is lobbying for representation.