21 November 2015
CEPS have today held an Extraordinary General Meeting . 27 non-governmental organisations attended the EGM. The welcoming address was made by CEPS Chairman Mr Jules Hoareau. This was followed by a moment of recognition for all men working in the civil society sector. A message was read out by Board Secretary to the CEPS Board, Mrs Marie-Nella Azemia on behalf of the Commissioner for Gender, Rights and Governance.
The chairman then presented his report, in which he outlined CEPS strategic approach in 2015, especially when it came to engagement with stakeholders and international bodies. This was folllowed by another presentation, made by the Communications & Membership Manager, Ms Tessa Henderson of the works done by CEPS since conception.
Two candidates were nominated for the post of Commissioner for Youth, Sport and Culture. Following presentations and the casting of ballots, Ms Joanna Pouponneau was elected.

The treasurer of CEPS Mr Steve Thelermont presented the Implementation Plan 2016. Members identified the need to discuss the plan in detail, in order to draft a road map. Therefore it was agreed that a session be scheduled outside of the EGM for that purpose.

After the meeting, members got together to celebrate CEPS first anniversary but cutting specially made cake.