23 May 2014
The LUNGOS Chairperson was in London this week representing LUNGOS at the International Forum of NGO Platforms (IFP) Council Meeting. Mrs Azemia also attended a training program for all IFP members. The training was organized by BOND, a UK based NGO which is also a member of IFP. The purpose was to provide a space for participants to explore the capacity building needs for their members and their own networks and to inform IFP’s strategy on capacity building. The end result should be a shared picture of the key issues facing platforms and the obstacles to their effectiveness. LUNGOS was one of the 4 NGOs chosen to share its experiences on Capacity Building. Lungos Seychelles’s presentation centered around the 5 cycles of ERSP (2009 – 2014).

The International Forum of NGO Platforms (IFP) brings together 55 national NGO platforms from Africa, Latin America, Asia, Europe and Oceania and seven regional coalitions, which together account for more than 21,000 organizations. It was founded at an international conference in Paris in 2008, with the conviction of broadening the space to participate in global debates to defend our vision of a supportive world where human rights are respected, the most vulnerable populations have a voice and inequalities and injustice are fought. This prompted the decision by the national platforms from the five continents to start a cooperative work and joint advocacy.Seychelles joined the platform in March of 2012.