Citizen Engagement Platform Seychelles


Citizen Engagement Platform Seychelles

“Earn while you learn” program

26th January 2015

Over 40 young people received their certificate after successfully completing the “Earn while you learn” program. For this project LAMP received funding from Barclays bank. Those who participated in the program followed three different courses namely Carpentry, Mechanic and Computer Skills. LAMP has been created to help curb the Juvenile Delinquency in the Seychelles by establishing condition conducive to respect for Human Rights and Protection for all Youths.

The Association is a charitable and non-profit making organization; aims and objectives of which shall be to give delinquents the opportunity to be responsible young men and women from the community and to make positive changes in their lives. They will be valued, nurtured and loved to become productive citizens.

LAMP has been an accredited member of LUNGOS and now CEPS.

Chairperson ceps LAMP 01 LAMP 02 LAMP 03 LAMP 04

“Earn while you learn” program
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