Citizen Engagement Platform Seychelles


Citizen Engagement Platform Seychelles

AIT law for Seychelles

20th January 2015

A meeting has taken place between the members of the Citizens Engagement Platform seychelles and the Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression and Access to Information (AIT) for Africa, Faith Pansy Tlakula. The meeting took place on Monday 19th January at CARE House in Victoria.

The Special Rapporteur was accompanied by her technical team who were also members of the working group for the Model Law on Access to Information. The delegation comprised of:
Advocate Faith Pansy TLAKULA – Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression and Access to Information for Africa
Mr. Maxwell KADIRI – Legal Officer, Open Society Justice Initiative
Ms. Lola SHYLLON – Project Manager for Centre for Human Rights
Ms. Chantal KISOON – Provincial Manager, South African Human Rights Commission
Prof. Frans VILJOEN – Director of the Centre for Human Rights

In his welcoming address, the CEO of CEPS, Mr Steve Lalande informed the delegation that even before the transformation from a NGO unit, civil society in Seychelles have been lobbying for the drafting of AIT law for the country.

The Special Rapporteur explained how important it is for society to stop associating access to information solely to the media and that civil society needs to be at the forefront when lobbying for an AIT law for Seychelles.

The delegation’s visit comes as part of an advocacy mission and is scheduled to meet with various stakeholders during their week long stay in Seychelles.

Over 20 civil society organisations attended the meeting and have shared with the delegation the need for such a law and their commitment in advocating for the drafting of an AIT law for Seychelles. In turn, the Special Rapporteur has given her commitment in helping CEPS through the process.



AIT law for Seychelles
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