22nd July 2016
Taking the lead…..
Dear readers. Allow me to share an extract of the declaration from the world summit for social development held in Copenhagen in March, 1995…..’’ all actors of civil society need to positively contribute their own share of efforts and resources in order to reduce inequalities among people… We invite all people to express their personal commitment to enhancing the human condition through concrete actions in their own fields of activities and through assuming specific civil responsibilities.” As a small organization, CEPS is putting emphasis on the need for citizens to ‘take the lead’ and help in shaping our society. Indeed, it is the intimate knowledge of the balance between people, environment, culture and tradition, innovation and change that will help us to achieve prosperity for the people we serve in our local communitees. CEPS being a membership organization engaging people in the process of nation building must be the torch bearer in the midst of our social challenges. We must advocate for the promotion of values, on personal integrity, collective solidarity, on honesty, transparency, and compassion and most importantly cultivate the spirit of volunteerism. We can talk about social issues over and over again but only through concrete and consorted efforts and actions from members of the civil society that we can deal with our social issues. Hence this is my call to everyone, to ‘take the lead’ at all levels from home, at work and most importantly through our NGOs and CBOs in promoting civic and moral values. Let us ‘take the lead’ in enhancing common good and justice. Let us ‘take the lead’ in enabling people to make their own decisions and taking responsibilities for their own lives and communities.
Let us take the lead in crafting a strong civil society sector for the betterment of our brothers and sisters.
Thank you
Mr. Jules Hoareau