Notice is hereby given that the Board of CEPS, in consideration of Article 6.8.2 of CEPS Statutes is calling for an Annual General Meeting to be held at the CEPS Conference Room, Orion Mall on Saturday 01st of April 2017, starting with registration at 08:30am.
The proposed Agenda is as follows:
Welcome by CEPS Secretary
Adoption of the AGM Agenda
Review and Adoption of last CEPS AGM Minutes Meeting
Matters arising
Presentation and adoption of Chairperson’s Report
Presentation and adoption of Commissioners Report
Discussion from the reports
Presentation and adoption of Secretariat Report
Presentation and adoption of the Audited Report
Appointment of Auditor
Motions and Resolution
Only CEPS Accredited Members having Full Membership Status and that are in good standing with their membership dues and other membership requirements shall be allowed to participate and vote at the AGM.
Confirm participation by calling Miss Henderson on 4325550 / 4325552
Deadline for confirmation and submission of motions is Wednesday 29th of March 2017