Citizen Engagement Platform Seychelles


Citizen Engagement Platform Seychelles

Launching of Bling Bling Poetry Association

3rd June 2016

BLING BLING Poetry Association has officially been launched!!
The CEPS accredited NGO has been in existence for a year now and regroups poets of all ages.The goal of BLING BLING POETRY Association is to continuously develop and promote Seychelles poetry at national, regional and international level. The event took place at Kaz Zanana and CEPS Chairman Mr Jules Hoareau was given the honor of launching the association.
BLING BLING chairman Raspyek, thanked the association’s partners for their support over the past year. Mrs Penda Choppy of Lenstiti Kreol encouraged all lovers of poetry to come forward and show the world what they have to offer. Various poets read out their poems during the course of the evening, which also included a cocktail.
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Launching of Bling Bling Poetry Association
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