Citizen Engagement Platform Seychelles


Citizen Engagement Platform Seychelles

CEPS Register, officially published.1

17 October 2014

On the 12th of August of 2014, LUNGOS held a meeting with its accredited members to introduce them to the Citizens Engagement Platform Seychelles (CEPS) and the part they will play within the platform.

At that meeting  letters of interest were circulated to all members present and others were sent out by post and email to other members who did not attend the meeting. The letters were to be submitted by the 10th of October, giving the LUNGOS Accreditation Committee ample time to go through the files of each of the NGOs, ensuring that they met CEPS criteria. The exercise was also an opportunity for the committee to re classify organisations according to their right commission and membership classification. In fact the exercise began as the the letters of interest were being handed in, therefore the committee was able to work with the NGOs and get their files in order from the outset.

Also between 12th of August to 10th of October, LUNGOS met with all groups within civil society that were considered as potential members of CEPS. They too were encouraged to sign up during that period.

In total 58 NGOs hadshown interest in joining the new platform. After having verified all the application to become a member of CEPS, the Transition Committee and Accreditation Committee of LUNGOS/CEPS,  acknowledged 45 organisations who met all the criteria for either Full Membership or Associate Membership. By 10th of October, no organisation had applied for Corporate Membership.

As stated in the CEPS Constitution, the register of members for CEPS was circulated on Friday 17th of October, exactly 21 days to the AGM – scheduled for 8th of November 2014.

Please find the CEPS Register below.





The register is open for public scrutiny.

Views and comment should be directed to:

Communications and membership Manager, Ms Tessa Henderson

Email [email protected] or phone number 4325550/52.

CEPS Register, officially published.1

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