Citizen Engagement Platform Seychelles


Citizen Engagement Platform Seychelles

LUNGOS holds information session on CEPS for its members.

13 August 2014


The platform for non-governmental organisations, LUNGOS is inviting NGO’s to transfer onto the new platform for civil

society CEPS. A letter of interest is being made available to all of LUNGOS members at its office based at at Orion Mall. The letter allows LUNGOS to transfer its current members and create a register for CEPS.




This and other information were given out at an information session held at the LUNGOS conference room yesterday. The session aimed at informing members on the transformation process so far and the criteria that needs to be met by civil society organisations in order for them to join CEPS as members.

LUNGOS Chairperson Mrs Marie-Nella Azemia welcomed members of over 30 NGOs present. The CEO of LUNGOS then proceeded to  explain the transition process to those present. LUNGOS Communications & Membership Manager then presented the criteria for membership and highlighted the clauses found in the ‘Code of Ethics & Conduct for Civil Society Organisations’.

NGOs and CSO’s who were not present at the meeting are being invited to contact the LUNGOS Communication and Membership department on 432550 to request a copy of interest letter and for clarification.


LUNGOS holds information session on CEPS for its members.

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