Citizen Engagement Platform Seychelles


Citizen Engagement Platform Seychelles

Communication and Membership

CEPS Membership Department is responsible for managing and implementing communications and networking in line with the strategic plan for CEPS. The membership department also oversees the identification, development, and operation of the membership plans, and the engagement of civil society in fulfilling the strategic mission of CEPS.

Mission: Deliver an accreditation service based on institutional standards set out in the Constitution of CEPS, criteria for membership and Code of Conduct.

Strategic Goal: To improve the legal, institutional and operational frameworks for CEPS and CSOs to operate effectively (From CEPS Strategic Plan)

Key Functions:

  • Engage with government or Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in areas to do with enhancing and facilitating the operational status of CSOs
  • Provide information and reports (including statistical information) concerning Accredited Members.
  • Increase Membership of CEPS by assisting CSOs with registration/accreditation
  • Develop initiatives that will improve the value of CEPS membership.
  • Maintain a database of accredited members
  • Oversee the accreditation/credentials processes.
  • Maintain a database of Charity Organisations in accordance with the MOU signed with the Ministry of Finance.
  • Ensure accreditation/credential procedures and policies are maintained.
  • Advise Members on accreditation processes.

To contact the CEPS Communication and Membership Department please email Mrs Agnielle Payet on [email protected]

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